Welcome to All of You!

Posted by M.E.A.D on 11:10:00 PM

Who are we?
We, Business Etiquette Training Center, is an online training company specialized and reputated in providing training programme of business etiquette to organisations via blogs. We partner with organizations to help them obtain the knowledge and skill set which is essential to business success. Our trainers are devoted to exploring the customs and culture of each country and they have been carefully selected in respect of their education level and experience. Hence, we guaranteed you a comprehensive training courses so that you can apply what you have learnt in real business meetings.

What do we teach?
Business etiquettes matter a lot. We would select the business etiquette skills such as social skills, proper manners, and refined societal interaction, as our teaching content.

Why do we teach Etiquette?
Etiquette applied in all business. In our soictey,
proper manners and interactions are essential for smoothing the communication process and reduce unnecessary misunderstanding. It helps building relationships with different parties and even gaining business successes or competitive advantages over others.

What is business etiquette?
Business etiquette is an allencompassing terminology for successful personal skills and communication in the workplace, covering every area of communication, across all disciplines and all eventualities. -- Lynne Brennan

Business etiquette is in essence about building relationships with people. In the business world, it is people that influence your success or failu
re. Etiquette, and in particular business etiquette, is simply a means of maximising your business potential. (http://www.buzzle.com/editorials/10-16-2004-60520.asp Last visit: 20 Feb,2009)

Learning Outcomes (Bloom's Taxonomy)
For different culture, the etiquette varies and we will explain and evaluate them in different perspectives so that you will be able to attain these levels in the bloom's taxonomy stey by step.

You will be able to:

  • Define what is business etiquette
  • Memorize the norms, customs, cultures and their business etiquette respectively for different countries (China, Japan, USA and India)
  • Recall those etiquette when needed


You will be able to:

  • Describe the differences of etiquette for different countries
  • Classify the business etiquette into formal and informal areas
  • Discuss and explain the skills with your colleagues

You will be able to:

  • Choose different etiquette skills for different countries accordingly and,
  • Apply and practice the skills when doing business with multinational businessman
  • Use the skills to solve and minimize the cultural barriers of different countries

You will be able to:

  • Compare and differentiate the business etiquette for different countries, such as the attitude difference towards time between China and USA
  • Question the use of etiquette skills for different situations
  • Examine the reason of the etiquette differences, such as the culture and norms


You will be able to:

  • Manage your etiquette skills and use them appropriately
  • Construct and write the business etiquette in different countries with your own experience in addition to the program
  • Setup a list of etiquette skills for you company which is useful in your business


You will be able to:

  • Judge others' etiquette skills in different situations for further reference in your company
  • Estimate and predict the skills to use before meeting the business representative from other countries
  • Select the best skills to use which can facilitate and enhance your business or gaining advantages

(We will arrange classes which offered for businesspeople and those who will go to work very soon. Customized enrichment programs are offered to organizations and corporations. )

Teaching Schedule

  1. We will update this blog twice a week. In each week, we will focus on the business etiquette in one country.
  2. In the every post, we would, first, give an interesting quiz about the business etiquette in a particular country. We will post the answer of the quiz in the next post. If you answer the quiz correctly, you will received a tiny gift. The name of winner(s) will post on next post. Then, we would briefly describe the formal or informal situation in each country -- China, Japan USA and India. Lastly, Episode about the topic of next post would be shown at the end of each post.
  3. We will reply your questions and comments as soon as possible

We highly encourage you to visit this blog. Since our etiquette teaching is a doctrine, your feelings and opinions are all welcome and essential for our further improvement! Hope you enjoy it!

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